Accountability Ratings

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) produces annual accountability ratings for Texas school districts and schools. Starting in 2018, an A-F scale was applied to districts.

In the latest accountability ratings released by TEA (2022), Dripping Springs ISD received an A rating (numerical score was 93). Cypress Springs Elementary, Rooster Springs Elementary, Sycamore Springs Elementary, Walnut Springs Elementary and Sycamore Springs Middle School earned A ratings, while Dripping Springs Elementary, Dripping Springs Middle School and Dripping Springs High School received B ratings.

DSISD also received A ratings in 2018 and 2019. Districts were not rated in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The state ratings are determined by three factors: Student Achievement, School Progress, and “Closing the Gaps.” Student Achievement is measured solely by STAAR test results at the elementary and middle school level. College, career and military readiness as well as graduation rate are factored in for high schools. School Progress measures academic growth or relative performance on STAAR tests. Closing the Gaps looks at multiple factors (academic achievement, federal graduation or growth status, English language proficiency, and school quality or student success) for all students and also for several student sub-groups.

In addition to state accountability ratings, Dripping Springs ISD shares Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district's campuses.

Those who have difficulty accessing this report or have questions about the information it contains should contact the campus principal or the DSISD Learning & Innovation Department.