Budget Process & Funding

Dripping Springs ISD is committed to sound financial management through integrity, prudent stewardship, planning, accountability, full disclosure and open communication. Federal, state, and local guidelines govern the budget development process. The annually adopted budget includes the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Child Nutrition Fund. 

DSISD’s proposed budget is prepared by the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer, with the participation of campus and department stakeholders within the provision of the Strategic Plan and state-mandated guidelines for programs.

Dripping Springs ISD builds its budget priorities around its vision and mission, while also meeting the challenges accompanied by student growth. In following those priorities, the district’s charge is to monitor spending in a way that results in the most efficient use of resources, within the limitations and mandates placed upon public schools by statute and regulations. A tight alignment is maintained between the overall budget and the district/school planning that helps DSISD be more efficient in meeting established priorities.

The budget includes four basic segments for review and evaluation:

  • Revenues

  • Personnel Needs/Costs

  • Operational Costs

  • Capital and other non-project costs

The budget process includes Board of Trustee budget workshops for the development of each segment, which provide for citizen feedback regarding the process, and allow for sufficient time for the Board of Trustees to address the strategic plan and fiscal issues. The proposed budget and all preliminary budgetary information is posted on the district's website for public view.

"Who is Really Funding Our Public Schools?"