School Health Advisory Council
The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) serves exclusively in an advisory role, assisting the district in ensuring that local community values and health issues are reflected in the district’s health education instruction. The committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is comprised primarily of parents (who are not employees of the district) of students enrolled in the district.
The Board may also appoint one or more teachers, administrators, students, healthcare professionals, business representatives, law enforcement representatives, senior citizens, clergy, representatives of nonprofit health organizations, or representatives of another group. A majority of the representatives must be parents.
The committee meets throughout the school year as determined by the Superintendent or designee.
Responsibilities include:
Recommend the number of hours of instruction to be provided in health education*
Recommend curriculum appropriate for specific grade levels designed to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 Diabetes through coordination of health education, physical education and physical activity, nutrition services, parental involvement, and instruction to prevent the use of tobacco*
Recommend strategies for integrating the curriculum components specified in this item with the following elements in a coordinated school health program:* school health services, counseling and guidance services, safe and healthy school environment, and school employee wellness
Recommend appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction*
Recommend format for an annual District Health Report
Recommend a minimum number of minutes of unstructured physical activity (recess) for grades K-5*
* Required by law and policy