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New to DSISD?
Skyward Family Access
Drip Spirit Shop
Bond 2023
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Dripping Springs
Independent School District
New to DSISD?
Skyward Family Access
Drip Spirit Shop
Bond 2023
Search Site
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SMART tag?
Who is eligible for SMART tag?
How does SMART tag benefit parents?
How does SMART tag benefit drivers?
Are SMART tag ID badges required to ride the bus?
Will students be eligible to ride the bus if they lose or forget their SMART tag ID badge?
What are the consequences for not having your card to tag in?
Will students still need to register for transportation services each year?
Can a parent register a non-rider for transportation services at any time during the year?
What information will the bus driver be able to view when the student swipes his/her card?
Is student information stored on the SMART tag ID?
Can students be tracked anywhere else from their SMART tag ID badge?
Will students receive a SMART tag ID badge every year?
Who should be contacted if a student loses his/her badge?
Will a student’s SMART tag ID allow them off the bus with individuals on the Alternate Pick-Up List?
Are notifications through SMART tag available?
Will parents receive a notification when their child gets on/off the bus?
Can parents track their child’s bus?
Can a parent see when his/her child gets on/off the bus?
Is the information regarding a student’s bus location in real time or is it delayed?
How will SMART tag determine the correct route/bus for students with dual residences?
Will parents receive an alert regarding inclement weather, accidents and other emergency notification through SMART tag?