Workers' Compensation

If you're injured at work:

  • Tell your supervisor immediately.

  • Complete a First Report of Injury with the help of your campus or department’s Workers’ Compensation contact person. (Ask your principal secretary, department administrative assistant, or campus nurse if you are unsure of whom to contact.) After your campus or department files the First Report of Injury, it will go to HR.

  • Choose a treating doctor from the list at (For emergencies, you may go to the nearest emergency room.)

  • HR will contact you to give you some required forms and more specific information.

  • Call HR at 512.858.3519 if you need assistance.

About Workers' Compensation

An employee absent from duty because of a job-related illness or injury may be eligible for workers’ compensation weekly income benefits if the absence exceeds seven (7) calendar days. The district's workers' compensation provider is TASB Risk Management Fund.

Please note: Workers’ compensation is not a form of leave and the workers’ compensation law does not require the continuation of the district’s contribution to health insurance. An absence due to a work-related injury or illness will be designated as FMLA leave, temporary disability leave, and/or assault leave, if applicable.

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