Legislative Information

State Representatives

State Senators

Governor's Office

Tips for Contacting Legislators

1. Chose a method for contacting the legislator – either by mail, e-mail or phone. Identify yourself by name as a constituent who values the education provided by Dripping Springs ISD and is concerned about how the state funding system is affecting our district.

2. Focus on 2-3 of the key messages that you believe are the biggest issues facing DSISD and explain the potential effect they can have on your child’s education.

3. Personalize messages and include examples. Form letters are not as meaningful.

4. Express your expectation that the legislator will represent the interests of his constituents, including DSISD and its students, by making education a priority in the legislative session.

5. Thank the legislator for his/her efforts on behalf of our community and district.

6. Sign your name and home address so that the legislator knows you are a constituent.
