In a special meeting on Feb. 6, the Dripping Springs ISD (DSISD) Board of Trustees voted unanimously to call for a school bond election to go on the May 3, 2025 election ballot.
The work on the May 2025 bond began in the fall of 2023 when the Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee (LRFPC) reconvened to plan for the next several years of facility needs for DSISD based on projected student growth. The committee had representation from more than 50 parents, students, staff and community members broadly representing the district. Following the LRFPC recommendation, the District formed a Citizens’ Bond Steering Committee this Fall composed of parents, students and community members, taking the work of the LRFPC to develop a bond package recommendation to be considered by the DSISD Board of Trustees. Over the last month, the Board of Trustees held workshop meetings to develop a bond package to serve the district’s high school student enrollment growth and complete capital maintenance and renovations at existing campuses.
The May 2025 bond package includes a focus on construction of the district’s second comprehensive high school, as well as capital improvements and renovations for current campuses.
Prop A - $399.7 Million
● Construction of High School #2 (2,500 Student Capacity)
● Capital Improvements & Renovations for Dripping Springs High School and Rooster Springs Elementary
● Capital Maintenance Across District Facilities
● Transportation: Seat Belts for Buses, Replacement and Growth Buses and Vehicles
● Technology Infrastructure and Equipment
● Portables
Prop B - $2.6 Million
● Technology Device Refresh for Teachers, Staff and Students
● Interactive Panels for Classrooms
Any registered voter who resides within the DSISD attendance boundary is eligible to vote in the bond election. The deadline to register to vote is Thursday, April 3. The first day of early voting is Tuesday, April 22 and Election Day is Saturday, May 3, 2025.
More information about the proposed bond package will be shared on the DSISD website and the district’s social media channels over the next three months.