
Lindy Hemenover, BSN RN

CSE Nurse Lindy


Office Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm

Phone: 737.260.8704

Immunization Requirements for School:

2024-25 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K - 12

Students attending Texas public schools must be in compliance with state immunization laws in order to start school. Non-compliance will result in students’ withdrawal from Dripping Springs ISD until compliance is met. The immunization rules may be found in the Texas Administrative Code. Additional information may be found on the Texas Department of Health Services website. 

To access your student's current immunization record at school:
Student vaccination records are on Skyward Family Access. After logging into Family Access, click on the "Health Information" tab in the left-hand column to see all of the vaccination information that is currently on file for a student.  A complete vaccination record can be printed from home.