The Dripping Springs ISD Transportation Department introduced the SMART (Secured Mobility Authorized Ridership Technology) tag system for bus riders in the fall of 2020. SMART tag is a system designed to increase the safety and security of students who use school bus transportation.
Students enrolled for transportation services are provided with a SMART tag ID badge at no charge. A SMART tag ID badge is required each time a student enters and exits the bus.
Parent App
The SMART tag program improves safety and security for bus riders by leveraging technology with more streamlined student management and communication on school buses. SMART tag monitors the location of each tablet-equipped school bus, including student loading and unloading, providing real-time information to the Transportation Department, and you, the parent.
The parent app offers the following benefits for families of DSISD bus riders:
Confirms that a child boards and exits a bus as expected
Registers the parent for SMART Alerts, which sends a text message to a designated cell phone when the bus is near your student's designated bus stop
Designates guardians to meet young riders (PK-2nd) at the bus stop