
Welcome to the Transportation Department of Dripping Springs ISD. We are excited about the opportunity to provide transportation for the children of our district to and from school and other events. As we transport students, everyone in the DSISD Transportation Department realizes that we are entrusted with the most precious cargo possible. Our interaction with each student contributes to the tone for his or her success in the classroom. A successful Transportation Department is an integral part of the educational process and we will take every step to ensure we deliver students to school safely and efficiently as possible.
Parents are encouraged to review bus safety guidelines with their children to help ensure a safe and pleasant ride for everyone.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Transportation Department is to provide safe and efficient transportation to the students of Dripping Springs ISD, in support of the district's educational functions and school activities.
Parameters of Service
Transportation is provided for students to and from the bus stop designated to service the student's residence of record. Students are expected to ride their assigned bus and load/unload only at their assigned stop.
The District does not provide transportation services to alternate locations including:
other residences such as a friend's house, babysitter or relative
businesses including parent's business or place of employment
after school activities
Transfer students are NOT eligible for transportation route services.
Special education students are eligible for transportation if need is established through the admission, review and dismissal process.
Contact Us
Pam Swanks
Director of Transportation
David Hammond
Assistant Director of Transportation
Email David Hammond
Melissa Dorsey
Administrative Assistant
Email Melissa Dorsey
Melissa Magill
Email Melissa Magill
Cristi Peterson
Email Cristi Peterson
Patrice Pippen
Email Patrice Pippen
P.O. Box 479
2430 Hwy. 290 W.
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Dispatcher Phone: 512.858.3500
Admin. Assistant Phone: 512.858.3500