
Cheryl Rhodes

Nurse Rhodes

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Phone: 512.858.3404

Incoming 7th Grade Students

Texas state law requires that ALL seventh-graders receive the following vaccines:  

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis-containing vaccine (Tdap): 1 dose within the last 5 years to be valid.

  • Meningococcal Vaccine (MCV4, MCV4P):  1 dose of the quadrivalent vaccine on or after a student's 11th birthday to be valid.


  • Reasons of Conscience Exemption with the two required 7th grade immunizations boxes checked. DSISD does not accept a photocopy or a receipt from applying for an ROC exemption. Please remember ROC Exemptions expire every 2 years and it is the parents responsibility to provide a new notarized affidavit before the expiration date in order for their student to continue school per state rules.

Please note: We can only accept a record from an electronic health record system if it includes the clinic's contact information and the provider's signature/stamp. A screenshot or print-out from your child's patient portal does not satisfy this requirement.  If your student has received these two required immunizations, you may fax or email your student’s immunization record now. Please understand we do not want to disappoint you or your child by not being able to release their class schedule and not allowing them to start the first day of school for not having met state requirements until an updated immunization record has been provided.


A licensed physician signature and parent signature is required for all medications (prescription and over the counter medications) to be administered.

  • Prescription medication must be in the original container & clearly labeled with the student's name, medication, dosage, directions, and name of prescribing physician.

  • Non-prescription (over the counter) medications must be unopened, in the original container & not expired, and prescribed by a US physician.

  • Only FDA approved pharmaceuticals will be administered.

  • Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to pick up medication after it is discontinued. All unclaimed medication will be destroyed at the end of the school year.

Accessing Student's Vaccination Records

Student vaccination records are available on Skyward Family Access. After logging into Family Access, click on the "Health Information" tab in the left-hand column to see all of the vaccination information that is currently on file for a student.  A complete vaccination record can be printed from home.